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Study Skills

Learning About Learning: Study Tips for Students
Picture of Stefanie Toye
By Stefanie Toye
December 9, 2020 | 5 minute read

Pop quiz! We know some students are quickly approaching mid-term exams and long papers before the holiday break, so here’s a mini-quiz to get you started. We promise this quiz isn’t just...

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College Applications

To Send or Not? …and False Binaries in College Admission
Picture of Casey Near
By Casey Near
December 3, 2020 | 5 minute read

The Myths When I speak with students, parents, and guardians about college, I’m never simply talking to the person in front of me – stay with me; I promise I’m not talking to ghosts. ...

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College Essays

App Deadline Looming? It's Not Too Late to Write Great Essays!
Picture of Arun Ponnusamy
By Arun Ponnusamy
November 25, 2020 | 5 minute read

We know a few seniors out there are maaaybe just getting around to writing essays for looming application deadlines. And to be fair, it's probably more than a few seniors because friends in...

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Choosing a College

A Hot Take on College Rankings
Picture of Noor Haddad
By Noor Haddad
November 18, 2020 | 5 minute read

The world of admissions is perceived to be a competition, and hyper-selective schools are perceived to be the prize. That’s why the U.S. News and World Report rankings have gotten attention...

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Book Recommendations

Cultivating Curiosity as a Reader: 12 Contemporary Fiction Books
Picture of Verónica Leyva
By Verónica Leyva
November 11, 2020 | 6 minute read

My favorite books are the ones that make me feel right at home in someone else’s shoes. I love reading fiction and historical fiction because of how the characters open up my world to their...

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Testing/Test Prep

Testing Myths Busted
Picture of Stefanie Toye
By Stefanie Toye
November 4, 2020 | 8 minute read

There are some ACT and SAT testing myths out there and, like much in this world, at one time they might have been based in fact. But over the years, these myths have grown into wild untamed...

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