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Topic: College Applications

College Applications

An Overview of Learning Differences and Disclosing on Applications
Picture of Amy Chatterjee & Christina Mangano
By Amy Chatterjee & Christina Mangano
August 11, 2021 | 5 minute read

Editor’s note: August can be an exciting time of year for rising seniors. The Common Application officially goes live for the upcoming year, ushering with it the start of application season...

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College Applications

Applying to College This Fall? Make Sure You're Running the Right Race
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
July 14, 2021 | 2 minute read

If you’re a senior preparing to apply to college this fall, you’ve probably been advised, nudged, or even nagged to “work on your applications over the summer.” It’s good advice. We’ve been...

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College Applications

You *Can* Sit With Us: A Mean Girls Approach to College Applications
Picture of Sam Joustra
By Sam Joustra
June 23, 2021 | 7 minute read

The Mean Girls movie just celebrated its 17th birthday on April 30th, and it’s going off to college this fall like many of you. (In other news, I feel OLD.) This is one of my all-time...

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College Applications

It's Too Early for a Decision on Early Decision
Picture of Arun Ponnusamy
By Arun Ponnusamy
May 19, 2021 | 4 minute read

In March of last year, when the pandemic first took hold in America, Casey—our Executive Director of College Counseling—and I spent considerable time gazing into our semi-fabled yet fully...

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What Colleges Look For College Applications Life Advice for Teens

Will Colleges Look At My Social Media?
Picture of Arun Ponnusamy
By Arun Ponnusamy
March 26, 2021 | 4 minute read

For many of us during the pandemic, our social life needs were met by our social media feeds. Usage of these platforms skyrocketed as #quarantinelife led many people to seek meaningful and...

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College Applications

7 Benefits of Using a College Admissions Platform
Picture of Vanessa Daves-Poarch
By Vanessa Daves-Poarch
March 23, 2021 | 4 minute read

Applying to college can be stressful. There are a lot of elements that require careful attention, and a lot of tasks on that ever-growing application to-do list. Organization is...

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