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Topic: Advice For Parents

Advice for Parents Life Advice for Teens Partnerships Gap years

Making the Most of Your Gap Year: 8 Tips for Every Adventurer
Picture of Jaein Seo
By Jaein Seo
December 4, 2023 | 4 minute read

Are you at a crossroads, wondering if a gap year could be the right chapter in your life’s adventure? If the idea of exploration, personal growth, and diverse cultural experiences excite...

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Advice for Parents

How to Help Your Child During Grade 9
Picture of Anita Gajula
By Anita Gajula
May 26, 2023 | 6 minute read

My son is currently a 9th grader who spent last summer asking me questions about starting high school. The conversation came up at least once a day, so I knew he was nervous. What I did not...

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Advice for Parents

Let Tomorrow Happen
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
November 24, 2021 | 2 minute read

Parents, while your kids are still in the house, you don’t have to wonder if you’ll all be sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner together. Whether you’re at your home table or visiting...

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Advice for Parents

Parents: Stand Back to Let Your Kids Stand Out
Picture of Liz Gyori
By Liz Gyori
November 17, 2021 | 3 minute read

A while back, my husband and I attended a late fall school parents’ night for our then fifth grader. Holiday “placemats” decorated by each student festooned the classroom walls. On those...

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Advice for Parents

Don't Let Fear Drive the Bus
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
October 13, 2021 | 2 minute read

Fear can sometimes be a healthy emotion. That big upcoming chemistry test, that big game next week, that big dog baring its teeth–fear can put an end to dawdling and move you to immediate...

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Advice for Parents College Applications

Five Application Management Tips for Parents
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
September 8, 2021 | 4 minute read

I spend a lot of time here reminding parents that your most important college-admissions-related job is to be theparentof your applicant. Love your student unconditionally. Remember that...

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