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Picture of Kevin McMullin

Kevin McMullin

Kevin McMullin is the founder and Head of Talent at Collegewise. He is the author of If the U Fits: Expert Advice on Finding the Right College and Getting Accepted and pens at least one entry every day here on his blog. Kevin is a graduate of UC Irvine with majors in English and history (where he answered, “What will you do with those majors?” approximately 783 times), and he has a college counseling certificate from UCLA.

Financial Aid/Scholarships

Parents: How Much Should You Save For College?
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
May 7, 2019 | 3 minute read

There are parents out there who have saved for their kid's college education since Day One. But many parents find that high school creeps up fast, and that they haven’t saved as much as...

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Life Advice for Teens

Does Being a Valedictorian Matter in College Admissions?
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
March 19, 2019 | 2 minute read

In 2017, the public school system in Spokane, Washington, announced that they were eliminating both class ranking and the valedictorian system from high schools.

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What Colleges Look For

Is College Worth It?
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
March 13, 2019 | 2 minute read

The newswires—and the college admissions community’s social media posts—were filled yesterday with the breaking story of a 25-million-dollar scheme to help wealthy parents buy their kids’...

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Summer Planning

50 Ways To Spend Your Summer
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
February 26, 2019 | 5 minute read

If your family has the means to send you to shear sheep in Tibet this summer, knock yourself out. But please don’t do it because you think you need a splashy or expensive summer experience...

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Life Advice for Teens

If You Can't Control It, Let It Go
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
December 18, 2018 | 1 minute read

In my experience, the students and parents who enjoy and emerge successfully from the college application process focus on the parts that they can control, and—as much as possible—let...

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Life Advice for Teens

Who Do You Surround Yourself With?
Picture of Kevin McMullin
By Kevin McMullin
December 11, 2018 | 2 minute read

Recent research out of Kellogg (the business school at Northwestern) shows that just sitting near a high performer can actually make you better at your job. And not surprisingly, it also...

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