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Picture of Casey Near, Arun Ponnusamy, and Paul Kanarek

Casey Near, Arun Ponnusamy, and Paul Kanarek

Meet three of Collegewise's foremost experts in college admissions: Casey Near is the former Executive Director of Counseling, Arun Ponnusamy is the former Chief Academic Officer here at Collegewise, and Paul Kanarek is a Managing Partner. Together, they'll drop knowledge that might just blow your mind.

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Credit/No Credit in High School Coursework
Picture of Casey Near, Arun Ponnusamy, and Paul Kanarek
By Casey Near, Arun Ponnusamy, and Paul Kanarek
June 9, 2020 | 6 minute read

A note: we wrote this piece in April 2020 for our counseling and secondary education colleagues, as they navigated decisions around going Credit/No Credit in their districts and schools....

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