Extracurricular Masterclass with a Former Stanford Admissions Officer

Join us Thursday, September 5 at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET to learn how your student can make an impact with activities and stand out to colleges.   

Showcase talent and potential to colleges

Collegewise special guest, Daniel Chung, is a former admissions officer at Stanford, Swarthmore, and Rice who’s reviewed over 7,000 college applications. In this special webinar, he’ll reveal his best insights and tips to help students build compelling activity profiles, including: 

  • How to demonstrate leadership even without a title
  • Why long activity lists do not help students stand out
  • How a “capstone project” can showcase a student’s best work


BONUS: This session will include a live Q&A with Daniel, so bring your questions about activities!

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Your Speaker

Daniel Chung Headshot

Daniel Chung

Former Stanford, Rice, and Swarthmore Admissions Officer

 Daniel was born with an obsession with all things school. Having served as an undergraduate admissions officer at Stanford University, Rice University, and Swarthmore College, Daniel has read over 7,000+ applications. Daniel's advisees have earned acceptances to Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, Northwestern, and many more highly selective colleges.

About Collegewise

Since 1999, our team of 80+ counselors has dedicated their expertise to creating a worry-free, effortless college application process for students of all levels. 

Collegewise empowers students academically and relieves parents of their project management duties through our personalized counseling and tutoring programs. 

Say goodbye to application stress and welcome a new, streamlined experience with Collegewise. 

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