College Admissions Explained: A Spotlight with Collegewise's CEO

Join us on Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST for an extensive discussion of all things college applications, admissions, and counseling with Collegewise's CEO, Anjali Bhatia!

About this Event

Does your family have questions about the college admissions space or how Collegewise can support you through this often overwhelming process? Join our fearless leader and CEO, Anjali Bhatia, and participate in our live Q&A!

This session will share insight on:
  • The history of Collegewise and how we became the most trusted counseling company
  • What lies ahead for families interested in working with us
  • How Collegewise addresses common pain points and application stressors
  • And more!

If your family is approaching the thick of application season or looking to get ahead, you won't want to miss this session. Register now!



Your Speakers

Anjali Bhatia

Anjali Bhatia

Chief Executive Officer

Anjali is a mission-driven CEO with a lifelong passion for helping students build the right skillsets. She's held a number of executive leadership positions within education over the last 12 years. Anjali holds her MBA from The Wharton School, where she received the Joseph Wharton Fellowship. She completed her undergraduate degree at Duke University, where she was the recipient of the full merit scholarship, the Robertson Scholarship. Outside of Collegewise? She is a tea sommelier and loves spending time with her daughter!

Karen Kimball

Karen Kimball

College Counselor

With over 25 years in education, Karen Yeager Kimball is known for helping students develop confidence in an academically rigorous environment. She finds joy in helping students position themselves well for college applications and in supporting their own discovery of just how great they are and what they have to offer a college environment.

About Collegewise

Since 1999, our team of 80+ counselors has dedicated their expertise to creating a worry-free, effortless college application process for students of all levels. 

Collegewise empowers students academically and relieves parents of their project management duties through our personalized counseling and tutoring programs. 

Say goodbye to application stress and welcome a new, streamlined experience with Collegewise. 

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