Exclusive Events for NVIDIA Families

Live events with expert counselors to help you navigate your pressing questions and the rapidly changing admissions landscape.

Live Webinars

There’s a lot happening right now, and a lot of swirling questions about what it all means. We've got you covered. Attend a webinar hosted by a Collegewise admissions expert for NVIDIA employees.


Upcoming Webinars:

How to Write a Great College Essay

Wednesday, May 15 at 5pm PST

Registration Not Yet Available










Office Hours and Ask Me Anything Sessions


Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Join a live AMA and have any of your college questions answered on the spot by an admissions expert.

The next AMA will be held in 2024!

Registration Not Yet Available





Office Hours

Sign-up in advance to meet with a Collegewise counselor one-on-one to ask questions and strategize.

For General College Questions -

April 16th 1 - 5pm PST

Schedule with Anita Doddi Gajula

Anita Gajula Headshot Bubble

For UC/CSU Specific Questions -

April 18th 1 - 5pm PST

Schedule with Margo Macready

Margo Macready Bubble Headshot




Essay Seminar

Many great kids write average (even bad) college essays—essays about “life lessons learned from soccer” or “how my trip to Europe broadened my cultural horizons." This webinar, from Collegewise founder, Kevin McMullin, will show you what admissions officers really look for in great college essays and offer suggestions for finding and sharing your best stories. This is a great webinar for both parents and students to attend! You will not want to miss it!

Thursday, May 18th, 2023 at 4:00pm PST

Recording Here
