Is College Counseling for Your Family?

Join us on Wednesday, December 13, at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET with Collegewise Founder, Kevin McMullin, to weigh all your options and identify the best avenue for your teen's college dreams.

Unravel the benefits of personalized college counseling!

Some families find the extra guidance and support just what they need. But plenty of students also get into good colleges without their parents hiring someone to help them.

Join Kevin McMullin from Collegewise, the nation’s largest college counseling service, to learn how to make the right decision for your family. 

This session will share valuable insights on:
  • The benefits of college counseling services
  • How your family can identify if personalized counseling is for you
  • Collegewise's success and support options for families

The college application process paves the way for your teen's future success. Join us to weigh out all your options!
College Research

Your Speaker

Kevin McMullin Headshot Bubble

Kevin McMullin

Founder and Chief Education Officer, Collegewise

Kevin McMullin is the founder and Chief Education Officer at Collegewise. He has delivered over 500 presentations to discuss college admissions planning, employee engagement, and small business success. As long as the speeches don’t require Kevin to solve any math problems, he always does a bang-up job. Kevin graduated from UC Irvine with majors in English and history and he has a college admissions counseling certificate from UCLA.

About Collegewise

Since 1999, our team of 80+ counselors has dedicated their expertise to creating a worry-free, effortless college application process for students of all levels. 

Collegewise empowers students academically and relieves parents of their project management duties through our personalized counseling and tutoring programs. 

Say goodbye to application stress and welcome a new, streamlined experience with Collegewise. 

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