Attend a Webinar
We're here to help you navigate the pressing questions and the rapidly changing admissions landscape. And, we’ll continue to remind you of all that isn’t changing and what you can control.
Acing Your UC/CSU Apps
Monday, May 17 • 5:00pm – 6:00pm PDT
Collegewise experts will give parents and students timely, clear information on how to stand out on the UC/CSU application. We’ll review each part of the application and show you where you can inject your personality and protect your shortcomings. You’ll leave knowing how colleges evaluate you and your application, which will give you the information you need to make the most out of your application
Rediscovering Your College Path: State of College Admissions From Highly Competitive to Fantastic Colleges that Love California Students
Thursday, May 20 • 5:00pm – 6:00pm PDT
In this webinar we’ll share the latest on what we know to be fundamentally true about admissions - many things have changed, but many things have stayed the same. We’ll also discuss an education landscape that does remain in flux and examine how that impacts high school students. Our Collegewise experts will separate fact from fiction as they give parents and students they need to make critical upcoming decisions.
Highly Selective Admissions
Wednesday, May 26 • 5:00pm – 6:00pm PDT
Grades, test scores, and impressive activities alone won’t get a student admitted to schools that reject almost all of their applicants. So how do students who get accepted to the Ivy Leagues, Stanford, Tufts and the rest of the nation’s most selective colleges set themselves apart from the rest of the applicant pool? We’ll show you at this webinar. We’ll also reveal some Collegewise strategies to improve a student’s chances of admission at the most selective schools. While we don’t believe that prestigious colleges are necessarily better colleges, we want students who are interested in these schools to have straight answers about what it will really take to have a shot at getting in.
More Resources:
- Click here for curated news, updates, and resources around the changing admissions landscape.
- Click here for free guides, including how to craft an incredible college application and creative ways to spend your summer.