NVIDIA Exclusive - How to Write a Great College Essay

Join us on Wednesday, May 15 at 5:00 PM PDT to hear what admissions officers are looking for in college essays and the personal statement. 

About this Event

In this exclusive seminar for NVIDIA families from Collegewise founder, Kevin McMullin, parents/guardians, and students will learn the secrets to writing an impactful college essay.

College essays are an important part of the application where you can really differentiate yourself.

  • What do you want the admissions committee to know about you?
  • What story do you want to tell?

During this webinar, we'll do some myth-busting and explore tips and tricks for writing a successful Personal Statement that will help your teenager gain acceptance to a great fit college. 

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Your Speaker

Kevin McMullin Headshot Bubble

Kevin McMullin

Founder, Collegewise

Kevin McMullin is the founder and Chief Education Officer at Collegewise. He is the author of If the U Fits: Expert Advice on Finding the Right College and Getting Accepted and pens at least one entry every day here on his blog. Kevin is a graduate of UC Irvine with majors in English and history (where he answered, “What will you do with those majors?” approximately 783 times), and he has a college counseling certificate from UCLA.

About Collegewise

Since 1999, our team of 80+ counselors has dedicated their expertise to creating a worry-free, effortless college application process for students of all levels. 

Collegewise empowers students academically and relieves parents of their project management duties through our personalized counseling and tutoring programs. 

Say goodbye to application stress and welcome a new, streamlined experience with Collegewise. 

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