College Application Journey: A Student Interview

Join us on Wednesday, August 9 at 5:00 PM PDT to hear firsthand about a student's experiences, challenges, triumphs, and the strategies they employed to successfully secure their college placement. 

About this Event

This unique perspective will equip attendees with a more holistic understanding of the process, providing them with practical tools and actionable insights to support their own application journey.

This webinar will offer insight into:

  • The journey each student took to get to Collegewise and what made them decide they needed extra support
  • What were the biggest challenges they faced and how they overcame them
  • How Collegewise supports students as they navigate application components

Joining us is also Collegewise counselor, Liz Pack, who will be providing us with an expert perspective on all things college admissions! Register now and get the inside scoop.

Your Speakers


Liz Pack

College Counselor

Liz Pack graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, worked in the UNC Office of Undergraduate Admissions as an admissions counselor, and fell in love with information sessions and providing advice about the college process. Looking for more experience in higher education, she traveled to UT Austin to complete her master’s degree in education and spent time as an admissions counselor in UT’s Office of Admissions. Though she's located in Austin, Liz is not just a UT Austin expert. While Collegewise Austin students are accepted at UT at five times the national admit rate, they also receive acceptances from universities all over the country!

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Shrishti Mahajan

Marketing Intern

Shrishti Mahajan (Class of 2025) is currently attending Westwood Highschool in Austin, Texas. She has interest in the business field, specifically in Marketing. Shrishti started working with Collegewise the second semester of her sophomore year and currently work with Liz Pack! In her free time, she loves singing, eating great food, going to concerts, and listening to new music!


Aakanksha Mahajan


Aakanksha Mahajan (Class of 2023) will be attending University of Texas-Austin and majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Plan II Honors this fall. She started working with Collegewise at the end of her sophomore year and worked with Laura to help reach her college admission goals! In her free time, she loves dancing, going to concerts, baking, and listening to music!

About Collegewise

Since 1999, our team of 80+ counselors has dedicated their expertise to creating a worry-free, effortless college application process for students of all levels. 

Collegewise empowers students academically and relieves parents of their project management duties through our personalized counseling and tutoring programs. 

Say goodbye to application stress and welcome a new, streamlined experience with Collegewise. 

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